Patent Firm I'll

© 2011 Patent Firm I'll All rights reserved.
Lisensed Patent Attorney, receiving the additional indication of specific infringement
litigation representation work (Regstered No.11796)
A certified consulting engineer (Management Engineering) Registered No: 31777
Expertise: Packaging, Logistics, Polymer Processing, Material Science, 
                    Chemical Engineering, Thin Films, Food Machinery,
Education: B.S. in  Chemical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
                       M.S. in Packaging,  Michigan State University, U.S.A.
Carrier: Worked as an Scientist at Research and Development Department
                  of Kirin Brewery Co.Ltd. for 30 years. The fields of research and
                  development were plastics materials for the application as food and 
                   beverage packaging, including, bio-based polymers, gas and vapor
                   permeability and barrier improvement of plastics, Diamond like carbon
                   coating on PET bottles by plasma enhanced CVD process, mechanical
                   design of container, shock and vibration analysis during transportation.
                   Secretary of ISO/TC122(Packaging)
                   Lecturer on Intellectual Property Management of Packaging Academy
                   Adviser of Japan Packaging Institute

 Medal for New Technology from ASME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering )  
     Development of DLC coating process for PET bottles
1. Diamond-like carbon films for PET bottles and medical applications.
                   Thin Solid Films 2005:494:84-91
                    2. DLC Coating on PET Bottles, Journal of Surface Finishing Society of
                    Japan, 2001;52;853-854 3. 
                    3. Development of Easy-to-Recycle Coloured Glass Bottles. Proceedings
                    of  EBC Congress 1999:27: